First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association

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Annual Report
125th Anniversary


Product Overview
Life Insurance
Fraternal Benefits
Life Cost Quote
Glossary of Terms


Fraternal Department
Branch Officers
District Pages
FCSLA In the Community
Fraternally Yours Magazine
Scholarship Opportunites
Friends & Family Rewards


Slovak Culture and History
Slovak‑American Cookbook
Slovak U.S.A.

Producer's Page

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Contact FCSLA Life

Life Insurance Needs Calculator

The First Catholic Ladies Slovak Association is happy to help you calculate how much life insurance you need. Please complete the below form. You will also have the option to have the results emailed to you.

College Funding Information

Number of Children Interested in College Funding:
Cost of College Per Year*:
Number of Years in College:
Total College Funding Needs:

Other Outstanding Financial Commitments

Other (credit card, student loans, vehicle loans):
Final Expenses:
Total Outstanding Financial Commitments:


Your Savings:
Your Investments (retirement accounts, stocks, bonds):
The Amount of Life Insurance You Already Have:
Total Assets:

Potential Future Income

Your Age:
Your Retirement Age:
Your Annual Income:
Total Potential Future Income:

Estimated Life Insurance Needed

Percentage of Future Income to be Replaced**:
Estimated Life Insurance Needed:
Additional Life Insurance Needed:

If you would like to be contacted for a customized, no obligation consultation, please provide the following contact information and click Submit to have the above analysis emailed to you:

Your Name:
Please enter above security code:

SHARING OF YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION: We will not, under any circumstances, share your personal information with other individuals or organizations without your permission, including public organizations, corporations or individuals, except when applicable by law. We do not sell, communicate or divulge your information to any mailing lists. Your information will only be used in the marketing of our products or services to you as an individual.

*Average college cost was obtained from the College Board and can be found on their website :

**If married, the suggestion is 50% (or 100% if only one spouse works), but this will vary according to individual situations.



© First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association   All Rights Reserved.  Powered by Dynamics Online
FCSLA Life is the marketing name for First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association of the United States of America ("FCSLA").
Insurance products are issued by FCSLA Life. Insurance products are not available in all states.