The Chicago District Holds Annual Scholarship Awards Luncheon

The Chicago District hosted its annual scholarship awards luncheon for its twenty-two scholarship winners and their guests on Saturday, June 22, 2013 at the European Chalet in Chicago, Illinois.

The District and Branch Officers and members congratulated the scholarship winners on their scholastic achievements.  Mary Therese Tylus, Chicago District President, reported that for the 2013-2014 Scholarship Program, the First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association awarded to its members from first grade through and including graduate school the amount of $248,250 of which $24,00 went to twenty-two Chicago District members comprising of nine elementary, two high school, nine college (ranging from freshman to senior year), and two graduate students.

The twenty-two scholarship winners are: Anna M. Sako (J39), Aiden M. Jurcenko (J96), Paul J. Braun (J106), Grace M. Clements (J106), Grace Patricia Radecke (J106), Christina A. Javorka (J174), Justin M. Gasper (J339), Makayla P. Henry (339), Zachary W. Starzyk (J339), Elizabeth Misovich (S258), Corey T. Kinnane (S421), Philip N. Szuck (S46), Raymond A. Michuda (S180), Jacob A. Cielecki (S181), Elena Marie Mudrak (S181), Anne Marie Lotko (S225), Austin L. Palanca (S258), Eric Lee Yeager (S258), Daniel J. Bajek (S287), Isabelle M. Sagat (S287), Eric William Balas (S225) and Matthew J. Hlinka (S258 and Theresa Sajan Awardee).

As the scholarship award winners were called to receive their certificate from the District, a short family and scholastic biography informing the attendees of their school, grade/year, favorite subjects and other interesting information.  The Chicago District is proud of all our scholarship winners and wishes them continued success in their studies.

To view photos from this event, check out the Chicago District Photo Gallery!

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